Mustang Hybrid – Raj Nair im Interview

von Kowalski | am 13 Jan 2017

Mal abgesehen davon, das Raj Nair selbst Mustang GT fährt, dürfen wir davon ausgehen: Der Mustang der nächsten Generation wird seiner Performance-Familie treu bleiben. Raj Nair verdreht ein wenig die Augen als er von der Motorisierung des Hybrid-Mustangs spricht. EcoBoost V6 oder gibt es in Zukunft vielleicht einen V8-EcoBoost? Schauen wir demnächst genau hin wenn wir etwas von einem Doppelturbolader an einem V8 lesen.

Anbei der wichtige Wortlaut in englischer Sprache:

Q: Please tell me this hybrid [Mustang] is going to be more like a Porsche 918 than a Prius. How are you going to use that hybrid technology to give the Mustang the performance that consumers and fans are expecting?

A: That’s exactly right. We’re talking using electrification to give our consumers more and in the Mustang it’s all about performance. So we’re talking about V8-like performance and at the low-end even more torque available with the electric motors. It’s going to be a very, very fun hybrid to drive.

Q: So maybe an all-electric launch?

A: I wouldn’t say all-electric, but the great thing about electric motors is that they make torque at very low RPM, instant torque, so you couple that with an EcoBoost type engine and you have a great combination.

Q: We’ll see if that crosses over to any of the other muscle cars. If we’re going to be seeing now hybrid Camaros, hybrid Challengers, you guys could launch a whole new segment.

A: Yea, hopefully we’ll be first in that segment.

Q: You have your pick of any car in the Ford fleet, I know you do. So what are you daily driving right now?

A: My daily driver is a Mustang GT. Even in the winter.

und hier das komplette Interview:

Themen: Allgemein

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